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Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire

The Nutritional Assessment questionnaire is a comprehensive question survey that you complete online. This sophisticated software allows me to analyze your responses and create various reports which detail the severity of your symptoms and the burden they are putting on your body. Multiple reports showing problem areas such as vitamin needs, gastrointestinal system, blood sugar regulation, endocrine and cardiovascular will generated.

Food and Mood Journal Assessment

Includes a three day food and mood journal analysis which will help us determine comprehensive diet and lifestyle recommendations. As well as individualized goal setting with caring support and no judgment. Nutritional therapy is a partnership between practitioner and client.

Functional Evaluation

A hands on evaluation of overall health done through a series of palpations associated with different organs and systems including:

  • Efficient digestion

  • Mineral status

  • Adrenal health

  • Hydration

  • Fatty Acid Sufficiency

  • Endocrine

  • Immune

  • Cardiovascular

  • Detoxification

Lingual-Neuro Testing (LNT)

A test to determine the foods and/or supplements that your body specifically responds to and needs for optimal function. This is done by choosing specific professional quality nutritional supplements or foods to test against the points that showed a need for support during the Functional Evaluation. Lingual means tongue, and Neuro refers to nerves and the brain. There is a nerve connection from the tongue to the brain and when a particular food or nutrient is put in the mouth, the hypothalamus gland in the brain is alerted instantly and causes a reaction in the body

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